Fabulous Lucky Draw 神采飞扬大抽奖

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Fabulous Lucky Draw

News write up from local newspapers:

Mummycare and Kiddycare, together with Crown Square Management, are organizing a Fabulous Lucky Draw. From now till 31 May 2008, every RM20 spent at Mummycare or Kiddycare Crown Square will entitle you a Fabulous Lucky Draw entry. The more entries you send in, the higher your chances of winning the Fabulous Prize.

This Fabulous Lucky Draw is held in conjunction with all the recent family and recreation activities organized by Crown Square Management for the general public. It is also in celebration of Mummycare’s 12th Anniversary this May. Mummycare and Kiddycare, in appreciation of all customers’ support these past years, will be organizing more activities of this kind.

Currently, the Fabulous Lucky Draw will be held on 2 June 2008, Monday at 12 noon. The Fabulous Prize for this Fabulous Lucky Draw is a Chelino Silver Arrow 3 Wheeler Jogger Travel System that worth RM1699.

Chelino is a famous Australian brand for baby stroller range of products. This latest import only available in Mummycare store features a 2-in-1 mechanism, consists of a stroller and a carrier which also acts as a safety car seat for newborn babies. Whoever wins this Fabulous Prize in fact wins double! The excellent quality, easy operation, innovative and creative design that caters to both baby’s comfort and safety, are the main selling points of this Travel System. These features are also the main reasons why ever since this product was launched in the market, it captured much attention and received better than expected feedback from the mothers.

Are you the luckiest, and the winner for this Fabulous Lucky Draw? Hesitate no more, just spend a RM20 and you will find out how lucky you are.

You may drop by any Mummycare or Kiddycare outlets to find out more about this Fabulous Lucky Draw. Or you may call these numbers to understand better – Mummycare Tel: 082-338100 or Kiddycare Tel: 082-338400.



Mummycare 婴儿用品中心和 Kiddycare儿童玩具精品店即日起将与皇冠广场联合主办一场神采飞扬大抽奖,截止日期为今年的5月31日。在这期间,凡在皇冠广场之 Mummycare 或 Kiddycare 每购足20令吉,即可获得一张表格。消费越多,可获得的表格也越多,当然中奖的机率也就大大的提高了。

这场神采飞扬大抽奖除了是配合皇冠广场近日来主办的一连串欢乐家庭活动之外,也是为了庆祝 Mummycare 开张十二周年的活动之一。这也意味着接下来,Mummycare 和 Kiddycare 将会有更多的类似活动带给大众,回馈其顾客多年的支持。

神采飞扬大抽奖日暂定为今年的6月2日,星期一中午12时。这次的大奖是来自澳洲的婴儿用品知名品牌– Chelino的豪华三轮运动型手推车旅行系统 (Silver Arrow 3 Wheeler Jogger Travel System),价值高达1699令吉。

此产品为 Mummycare 近日最新引进的婴儿二合一手推车旅行系统,手推车及提篮式汽车安全座椅兼备。因此赢获此大奖的客户,可谓是一举双得。此产品的卓越品质、容易操作的新颖设计,及兼顾到宝宝安全与舒适的特点,是此产品的最大卖点。也正是因为这些原因,让此产品一推出至今,都获得广大妈妈的支持与青睐。


欲知更多详情,您可亲自到 Mummycare 或 Kiddycare 柜台询问,或洽 Mummycare 电话:082-338100 和 Kiddycare 电话:082-338400。

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