Lovely Photos of Breastfeeding Party 新手爸妈派对靓照

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Mummycare Breastfeeding was organized successfully on 12 September 2009, we would like to express our greatest gratitude to the new Parents for their supports to this event, our Speakers for their enriching and entertaining talks, and all the involved parties for their helps and supports to make this event a success! Your supports and participation is our greatest rewards for organizing more and more such meaningful events in the future.  There will be more exciting events coming along, what are those and when?  Stay tune, you will be told soon in the near future.

I’m sorry that these photos are uploaded a bit late, it has been a week after the event. Reason being there were two contests (photos of these contests will be uploaded soon too) being held for the last weekend, organizers are a bit busy.. so.. hehe, let’s enjoy the lovely photos now!


由于间中还有两场活动 (这些照片迟点也会一一上载),造成当天的照片延迟至今才能上载,非常抱歉。来来,看照片吧!让我们先看看派对当天的场地和环境…

All parents arrived punctually on that day, hence our Party started on time at Crown Square Imperial Hall.


These are the Party Hamper and other Lucky Draw prizes sponsored by our generous participating Sponsors for the Breastfeeding Party.  Simply by joining this party, you will stand a chance to grab one of these home as one of your extra rewards.


These are Combi strollers, not Lucky Draw prizes though. They will be presented by two young and sweet models later in a Combi Stroller Show.

呵呵,这些不是幸运抽奖的奖品,是待会儿将由两位漂亮的模特儿精心呈献的Combi Stroller Show 而带出的有型有款又mama-friendly 的婴儿手推车。

The models have never get in touch with any baby strollers before this event. However, with just a few tries and pushes, they could be so familiar with the strollers and were able to maneuver it so confidently, steadily and efficiently like an experienced product user. This shows how user-friendly the Combi strollers are, and one-hand operation is not even a problem for some strollers.


Combi is well-known for a light-weight stroller. Strap is provided, put it on your back and simply walk away. For mothers that are smaller in body build, Combi strollers won’t be a burden for them.


One of the speakers from West Malaysia, Ms Jasmeen Tay Abdullah. She was here to teach the parents how to breastfeed and all other related information. Her talk was very entertaining and enriching.

其中一位来自西马的主讲者,Ms Jasmeen Tay Abdullah,主要为爸妈们传授哺乳的技巧和方式,以及将面对的难题和挑战。听了她一一的讲解和生动有趣的示范,相信所有的爸妈都获益良多,对于哺乳有了更深一层的认知。

Ms Jasmeen was demonstrating how fathers can help to massage pregnant or nursing moms on their back.

Ms Jasmeen 在为爸爸们示范,如何为怀孕或哺乳的妈妈们按摩,纾解她们背后的酸痛。

The audience was enjoying Ms Jasmeen’s talk very much.

看大家的会心微笑和开怀大笑的样子,可以看到Ms Jasmeen 的解说的确”魅力十足“!

Parents could try how to hold a baby in a right way and breastfeed.

Ms Jasmeen 非常贴心的让每个新手爸妈尝试抱抱婴儿,告诉他们正确的哺乳姿势。

A father who wants to capture any loving moments of his wife caring for the newborn (preparing..).


Another speaker, Dr Siew Hueh Fen, who mainly talked about Caring for the Newborn and what are those important points that parents need to look out for.

另一位专业但也不失风趣的主讲者,Dr Siew Hueh Fen。她主要的演说,是在教导新手爸妈如何小心的照顾新生儿以及哪些方面需要特别的注意。

Everyone was listening to her attentively.


Then there was the long-waited Lucky Draw. This was one of the lucky winners.


Ms Jong Chui Khim, winner of the Rm250 Combi Voucher.

别看那只是小小的一个信封,这可是价值250令吉的礼券哦!难怪Ms Jong Chui Khim 的笑容如此灿烂了。

Wow, a Bumble Bee Playpen worth Rm229, Congratulations to Ms Kong Tze En!

好重,那是什么?是价值229令吉的Bumble Bee Playpen!Ms Kong Tze En,恭喜你了。

Here you are, the luckiest winner of the day, Ms Amy Tan who walked away with this Party Hamper worth more than Rm350.

Our photographer actually took more photos on that day, but we are sorry that we couldn’t post each and every single of the pictures here. You may click the link below to view more lovely photos of the event.

Once again, thank you very much to all of you for your support and participation, see you soon. We also would like to thank Dr Siew and Jasmeen for their participation in this Breastfeeding Party, despite their own tight working schedule.

当天最幸运的得奖者,Ms Amy Tan,得到了价值超过350令吉的Party Hamper!

其实当天的摄影师非常落力的拍了很多靓照,抱歉,无法在此一一发表,按下面的link 吧,可以看到更多美美的照片!

再一次感谢大家的参与,我们很快会再见面的。同时特别感谢Dr Siew 和Jasmeen 在百忙中抽空成为我们今日的主讲者。

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